Recently I began watching the TV show 24, and regarding my recent spiel about structure, it seemed like something I could write a post about.  The action-drama show consists of seasons of 24 episodes, each episode being an hour long (including commercials).  They call it real-time, as each episode covers 60 minutes of a 24 hour event.  It’s really cool.  For example it isn’t until episode 7 or 8 that the sun starts showing up, as the previous 7 hours have been during the night.

While it’s not the first time to feature real time in media (I recall an episode of Doctor Who and one in Stargate Atlantis that was told in real time), it’s the first time that an entire series has done it.  There’s some games set in real time too, such as the second Dead Space game.

But what about writing?  A lot of books vary characters, perspectives and even chronology, but there are some that remain in what you could could real time.  For example, if the entire book maintains a single perspective and is completely chronological (skipping ahead doesn’t count) then it could be referred to as real time.  It seems to me that many younger audience books do, I’m sure I could find find a Hardy Boys or something like that.  It’s curious then, that this kind of storytelling should be so successful in a show like 24, which is very intense, action-packed and aimed at a more mature audience.

Top 10

Thought of making a top 10 list of my favorite media, so you can get a taste of what shows, movies, games, books I’ll be raving about.

  1. The Elder Scrolls – this series of games has gone above and beyond any of my other favorite games or books  Until recently, I would have posted #2 as #1, but the latest installment of this series has won it the top of my list!  link
  2. The Wheel of Time – my all-time favorite series of books.  Only a couple more months until it’s concluded.  End of an era.  There will be posts about this, I can promise. The late Robert Jordan is a huge role model and I’m disappointed I never got to meet or thank him.  link
  3. Inception – Best movie made.  Don’t think about elephants. link
  4. Stargate – I couldn’t decide between the next two and this one, until I included the whole Stargate franchise instead of choosing one series.  I’m a huge fan of SGU, and think it’s a real shame they were short-lived, but I’ve been watching every Stargate production for close to ten years now, so this franchise takes 4th. link
  5. Fringe – I started watching mid-second season and immediately re-watched the first.  I’ve since watched the entire series again with a friend.  That’s a lot of re-watching, but it never got boring.  Also a very dynamic cast, which is surprising for basically a 3-man show.  Walter, you’re the best. link
  6. Firefly – Amazing. Every character is just… incomparable. Browncoat for life. There’s many reasons I don’t like Fox and Firefly’s cancellation is the biggest. link
  7. Redwall – I would probably hate reading books if it wasn’t for Redwall.  Well, that’s not true.  I think either way, I would have ended up discovered my knack for words.  But Redwall was the first books I enjoyed reading, and it wasn’t until after I became a Redwall fan that I tried writing.  Rest in peace Brian Jacques.  link
  8. Lord of the Rings – In my opinion, one of the greatest works of fiction by one of the most brilliant fantasy writers to pick up the pen.  I mean, Tolkien pretty much started the genre.  The movies are great, but they don’t do the books justice. link
  9. Smallville – I really wasn’t sure that this would make it onto the list, but it did.  Every time I watch Smallville, I feel like sometimes I’m Lex and sometimes I’m Clark.  It takes a really great series to capture the two sides of identity, and as a far-out-there super-hero action-sci-fi show, it’s impressive that it succeeds. link
  10. Books!  Lots and lots of books!  I’m a fan of too many to choose any one.  I love Dragonlance, A Song of Fire and Ice, Shannara, Narnia, and many, many more…

That took a lot more work than I thought it would, but it’s past time to iron these out and there they are.  Hope you enjoyed!