
This page is all about me, by me…



From the back of the book:

N. A. VREUGDENHIL grew up in Trenton, Ontario, and attends the University of British Columbia in Kelowna. He started writing novels at age 10, and, ten years later, published the first of a series of five, Shadow Glyph (2012).


I love writing.  Shadow Glyph may be the first book I published but I’ve been writing all my life and have five other completed novels of varying quality.  I also enjoy reading, though I don’t get lots of time for my own interests with school.  My favourite series is the Wheel of Time by the late Robert Jordan (sob), but I also love J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Terry Brooks, Jack McDevitt, and the late Brian Jacques, who first inspired me to write.

1 thought on “About

  1. Just finished both Gothikar and Aristorn, having received them for Christmas a week ago.
    Well done! I know a book is good if I talk about it to friends and family, if it makes me think about my relationship with the Creator (Maker) and if I can’t put it down! You have accomplished this with your second and third books of the series.
    Wow and Kudos to the “backwards” telling of the “fall” of Akheron! I am not sure I have ever read a book written this way before.
    Does he find forgiveness before he dies?
    Looking forward to reading #4.
    Donato Gugliotta

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